Purple has made a house call and intends to stay awhile. It is my house specifically, third shelf to
my right, the newest delivery to the library.
Dr. Samuel S. Purple (1822-1900) did not author the work that just
arrived, he owned it. The book is a
tribute to his friend and legendary Americana collector, Henry C. Murphy
(1810-1882). Once finely bound in half
morocco and marbled boards with an elaborate, gilt spine, the book’s binding
has been battered and rubbed over its long journey, apparently un-appreciated
by some previous handlers, but protecting the contents within. There is the faint scent of cigar smoke. I plucked it from the flotsam and jetsam for
pennies, restoring the appreciation if not the binding.
The Murphy focus initially caught my
attention. I had no idea who Dr. Purple
was but his amusing name, reminiscent of a knock-off soft drink, also intrigued
me. This sammelband, assembled by
Purple and bound to his order, contains three items: The first is an autograph letter dated May
16, 1871 from Murphy to Purple, a copy of Murphy’s privately printed A Catalogue of an American Library,
Chronologically Arranged (ca.
1850), and a description of Murphy’s library removed from a copy of Dr. James Wynne’s
Private Libraries of New York
(1860). Two portraits of Murphy of are
included for visual appeal.
After Murphy’s death, his famous
collection was sold in 1884 at auction in New York, the catalogue prepared by
John Russell Bartlett. It is a final
record of a library dispersed to the winds, many of the books now scattered
among prominent rare book libraries and others still sailing about in private
Dr. Samuel Purple and his
collections passed into unjust obscurity after his death, although he was well
known to his contemporary collectors and book dealers. Purple is mentioned in Wynne’s Private Libraries of New York (1860),
“Dr. Purple’s collection, which contains about five thousand volumes, is
chiefly remarkable for its complete series of medical periodical literature,
from its commencement in America to the present time.” Dr. Samuel D. Gross in History of American Medical Literature (1875) exchanged correspondence
with Dr. Purple and records, “The library of Dr. Purple, of New York,
consisting of 6,000 volumes, contains a complete file of American journals, and
the transactions of the American Societies, with an extensive collection of
English, Scotch, and Irish periodicals, and many choice editions of the Greek
and Latin fathers.” These brief
references are fortunately supplemented with a lengthy memorial tribute by his
friend Dr. Stephen Smith, published in 1903 in The Medical Library and
Historical Journal.
The tribute reveals a self-made man,
determined to overcome modest circumstances and a lack of early schooling. Dr. Purple was born in rural New York. He attended the local schools until the age
of 13 and only sporadically thereafter because he helped his father in the
manufacturing and selling of shoes.
His father died when Purple was seventeen and Purple “assumed the charge
of the business and support of the family, now in reduced circumstances. That the task was difficult was apparent
from the fact that it required three years of unremitting application of all
his energies to relieve the estate of debt and secure for his mother a very
humble home in the village. But his
thoughts were not altogether confined to his business during this trying
period, for we learn that he not only conceived the idea of studying medicine,
but actually began reading such books as were accessible to him.”
This driven young man “obtained books
from the village physician, Dr. David Ransom and devoted every leisure moment
to their study. His habit was to rise at
four o’clock in the morning and to study until seven o’clock, when he went to
his shop and during the day studied, while working on the bench, with his book
placed in a rack before him.”
Purple’s exertions did not go
unnoticed. He garnered a number of
scholarships that allowed him to attend medical school and he graduated from
the New York City University Medical College in 1844. At first, he planned to set up a rural
practice near his family home. However,
upon the advice and encouragement of medical school friends he decided to
return to New York City. For five years
he labored under extremely impecunious circumstances to establish his
practice. His memorialist Smith notes
that many a young doctor under similar conditions gave up and returned to the
safe confines of a less strenuous but not as fulfilling practice in the
hinterlands. Dr. Purple persevered and
became successful. During these early
years, his literary bent led him to a position of assistant editor and then
editor in 1848 of the New York Journal of
Medicine. This fortuitous
appointment played a key role in giving birth to the budding bibliophile.
Smith writes, “[Purple’s] connection
with the Journal had brought him into
familiar relations with many of the leading physicians of the city. The one who exerted the greatest influence
upon him was Professor John B. Beck, of the College of Physicians and
Surgeons. Dr. Beck was a very scholarly
man and had a large and valuable library, which he had been many years
perfecting, especially in the department of rare medical pamphlets. Commenting upon the importance of collecting
and preserving the early medical literature of the country, much of which was
originally printed in pamphlet form, he concluded by urging the young editor to
avail himself of the opportunity which his position afforded him of securing and
preserving every early publication obtainable.
At the same time he gave him a large number of pamphlets, which really
formed the nucleus of the enormous collection which he subsequently made. These suggestions of Professor Beck
stimulated into the greatest activity the latent passion for bibliography,
which was finally to absorb so much of the time and means of his young friend.
“From this time onward his business
satisfactorily increased, both in quantity and quality, and though he never
attained to a large and lucrative practice, his income satisfied every ambition
except the single one of providing all the means he craved for the purchase of
books. But when the opportunity offered
of securing rare works he did not let it pass on account of a momentary want of
money. His credit was good with all
classes of book dealers and with most of the purveyors of old books he had
standing orders for the purchase of rare editions. For the period of half a century he
maintained a close personal acquaintance with all dealers in old books, and no
quaint volume in the second-hand book stores or in the auction rooms escaped
his careful scrutiny. At first his
attention was especially directed to rare medical books and pamphlets, but
constant association with the dealers in old books drew his attention to other
inviting fields of bibliographical research.
He was thus led to the study of American historical literature, and his
collection of rare books and pamphlets relating to the early history of New
York was very valuable. It very
naturally happened that these investigations into the history of the early
families drew his attention to the important and enticing department of
genealogical research. To these subjects
he finally devoted a large amount of his leisure time, and his collection of
books and pamphlets relating thereto was probably not surpassed by any private
library in this country. . . .
“The most important event in the
professional life of Dr. Purple was his election to the presidency of the New
York Academy of Medicine. This event
occurred on the election of officers for the year 1875. . . It was an honor
which he greatly prized and which he richly deserved. He had labored diligently to advance the best
interests of the Academy from the outset and had contributed freely his time,
his influence and whatever his slender means would permit to secure for it a
library and permanent home. . . He was
honored with the election to the presidency of the Academy a second time, and
on January 18, 1877, delivered his inaugural address. He chose for his subject ‘Medical Libraries’.
. . He concluded his address with the
following appeal: ‘Will any fellow of this Academy from this time forward
despise the day of small things, or consign to collectors the rags or paper
stock the pamphlets or old editions of medical works which he may weed from
library or garret? Will not all bear in
constant remembrance that here, in this our own medical home, will be gratefully received and
carefully treasured every tract, pamphlet, book, manuscript, engraving,
portrait, small and great, which may be donated?
“During Dr. Purple’s presidency of
four years the Academy made rapid progress, both in creating the great
reference library that he so strenuously urged in his inaugural, and equally in
securing a permanent home of its own.
His contributions to both objects were of vital importance. To the library he gave that priceless
treasure the serial medical literature of this country. What that collection cost him in time, money
and patient toil no one can have the remotest conception. For more than a quarter of a century he
ransacked every collection of old pamphlets accessible to him in this and other
cities. Many were the occasions when he despaired of completing sets, but by
correspondence with dealers in old books, with the older physicians and by
advertising in medical periodicals, offering at the same time suitable payment,
he succeeded in completing full sets of all the medical periodicals ever
published in this country. From the
first his ultimate purpose seemed to be, though not expressed in words, to have
the collection form part of the projected reference library of the
Academy. This purpose was carried out in
part when he donated upwards of 5,000 volumes of American medical journals to
the library of the Academy. . . .
“After his retirement from the
presidency of the Academy Dr. Purple devoted himself more exclusively to the
task of perfecting his collection of medical, historical and genealogical
literature. . . He had been for several
years collecting medical portraits, which he contemplated publishing in quarto
form with brief biographical sketches, but he left only the collection without
any text. “
Dr. Purple’s zeal in collecting was
so great that he assembled a second set of rare medical journals and pamphlets. After his death, this material was acquired
by the library of The Medical Society of the County of Kings, Brooklyn, thus
establishing the foundation of two important medical collections. His extensive genealogy collection was auctioned
by C.F. Libbie & Co., New York City, on February 16-19, 1909. The introduction to the auction catalogue
records, “At an early date in his career (1850) he began collecting works on
American Genealogy at a time when there were comparatively few collectors in
these lines. . . [and] until a few days before his death he was active in
hunting and buying genealogies, and he left no stone unturned to run down any
rare item that might come under his notice.
It goes without saying that no such complete collection has ever been or
ever will be again offered for sale.”
The letter from Murphy to Purple glimpses
Purple’s generous nature and his ties to the rare book world. Murphy
writes on May 16th, 1871, “My dear Dr. Purple, I have left the two volumes
which you so kindly lent me at Mr. [Joseph] Sabin’s for you, and beg to return
you my sincere thanks for their use. I
learn this fact from them: that after
all a patient must consult some good physician on the spot as to the necessity and
mode of using any of these springs and especially the thermal ones. Repeating with you my obligations for the
opportunity of reading these volumes I am ever Yours Truly, Henry C Murphy.”
![]() |
Murphy to Purple, first page of the letter |
And I thought that I knew at least something about all the important collectors.
ReplyDelete"His income satisfied every ambition except the single one of providing all the means he craved for the purchase of books."
ReplyDeleteA book collector's epitaph?
Nice job as usual Kurt
Good stuff. Thanks, Kurt. Looking forward to the hardcover version.
ReplyDeleteAn illuminating job as always, Kurt. Thornton (Medical Books, Libraries and Collectors, 3rd ed.) gives the barest mention of Purple, and your work proves that volume's editors should have given him a closer look. As for Murphy's private "Catalogue," like you, I'd be inclined to believe any edition statement that came from Wilberforce Eames's mouth, but maybe we shouldn't. WorldCat appears to record upward of 50 copies, exclusive of microforms and digitals. Whatever the print run, it's still an intriguing, elusive piece of biblio-Americana.
ReplyDeleteHi Bill, thanks for interest as always. I'd never done a census so I looked closely at every WorldCat entry and Copac. Wilberforce Eames' honor must be defended! Most copies recorded are microfilm / electronic from the LC copy and not actual books. Here is a preliminary census. Only a dozen or so copies are recorded including my two examples, so Eames' total of 25 is safe for now.
Delete1) Library of Congress
2) Duke University. (Inscribed to Brinley)
3) Grolier Club
4) New York Historical Society
5) Trinity College, Hartford
6) Koninklijke Bibliotheck, Netherlands (maybe?)
7-10) NYPL (either 3 or 4 copies recorded)
11) Boston Public Library
12) KZ Library (Inscribed to Brevoort)
13) KZ Library Purple Copy
If anyone else finds others let me know!
Add one more:
Delete14) John Carter Brown Library
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWell, Kurt, I hedged my bets a tad when I said "maybe" and found out the hard way one must examine every e-catalogue at the source, and not rely on what grows out of a single WorldCat entry! But I'm not wailing too hard, because I'd hate to prove W.E. wrong, and am glad it's me and not him. Once again...a stellar job on your end, and a cautionary tale for me!